
Welcome to the homepage for the LIPP-Symposium 2016, organized by the Graduate School Munich

The topic of this year’s symposium was: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Grammaticalisation.

After this year’s symposium, the organizing committee would like to express its gratitude to all keynote speakers, presenters and poster presenters for their
attendance and their individual contributions. We would also like to thank all other attendants, who, through their questions and remarks, helped make this year’s symposium a great success.

News on the publication of the conference proceedings will follow shortly.

Keynote speakers (confirmed):

  • Prof. Dr. Volker Gast (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
  • Prof. Dr. Olav Hackstein (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Heine (University of Cologne)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann (University of Erfurt)
  • Prof. Dr. Anna Theakston (University of Manchester)
  • Prof. Dr. Hendrik de Smet (Universität Leuven) 
    CANCELLED – Due to personal reasons, Hendrik de Smet unfortunately was unable to attend.

Contact: symposium2016@lipp.uni-muenchen.de